Georgi Simov
Design Portfolio
Splash Damage - Transformers Reactivate
3 Years
Responsible for: Level design; Mission design; Multiplayer feature prototypes in Blueprints; Tools; Gameplay preservation;
Under NDA
Training Grounds - Killing Floor 2
2 Months
3 Devs
First Person
Placed 5th in the game's official mapping contest
Responsible for: Level layout; Collision pass; AI spawn & navigation; Set dressing & Lighting
The official wiki of the UDK was quite minimal so I had to become an active member of the modding community. It was great to talk to so many nice, helpful and creative people. The player feedback I got through the steam page was very useful in helping me spot some of the flaws.
My initial sketches and ideas were of a much bigger level. As the deadline was approaching I realized that some areas will need to be cut if we wanted to have a polished level.
At the start I looked at all other levels and measured the average map size, corridor width, floor height, etc. Once I had that reference I learned the modular set's rules so I could properly build the level.
7 Days
5 Devs
First Person
Epic MegaJam Finalist
Responsible for: Level layout; Set dressing; Balancing
Having only one week to make a game felt quite limiting. This short deadline taught me efficiency and gave me a better overview of what are the core elements needed to get a project up and running.
This was the first project where I implemented the rule of gathering at least 50 photo references. This helped me think of gameplay moments while also considering the aesthetic appeal of the space.
At one point we wanted to have procedural room generation. A quick prototype showed that it didn't fit the game. Since some core mechanics weren't implemented till day 3 I had to experiment with some layouts before we had gameplay.
Lost in Timeslation
7 Days
4 Devs
Split Screen
Epic MegaJam 2023
About Me
I've always been fascinated by people who were able to turn their hobby into a job. My father is a film cinematographer and from a very early age I was surrounded by artists of all sorts. I was lucky enough to have this type of environment and get an honest and unfiltered view of what it takes to be a creator. This lifestyle led to me analyzing the entertainment I consumed with care and mindfulness. Naturally I started looking at games from a different angle. I will always fondly remember the games that had unlockable "behind the scenes" videos that gave me insight of how challenging and yet rewarding this industry can be.
I picked to specialize in level design since behavioral psychology piqued my interest for a long time. In high-school I started to read and watch videos talking about the various techniques that level designers utilize in their work. The fact that it takes technical, artistic and design knowledge to make a level makes this role very engaging for me.